Frequently Asked Questions

Last modified: Aug 1, 2022

Just getting started? Here are some common questions with step-by-step solutions.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) lets you access phone service over the internet. Calls are no longer dependent on old traditional phone lines. VoIP achieves greater functionality at a lower cost for businesses.
Direct Inward Dialing (DID) is a telephone service that allows a phone number to ring through directly to a specific phone at a business instead of going to a menu or a queue and needing to dial an extension. A phone number that is used like this is often called a "DID" (and multiple numbers are called "DIDs”).
You can order DIDs easily by navigating to your Phone System Settings and clicking on "Services," scrolling down and selecting "Order DIDs." From there you can select a state or browse DIDs with a given search criteria (i.e. starting with 770). To order Fax Numbers; instead of clicking "Services," click on "Virtual Fax" and select "Order Faxes."
You can make a payment any time by navigating to Accounting and Billing and clicking "Make a Payment."
You can send virtual faxes easily by navigating to Phone System Settings and clicking "Virtual Fax." From there you can manage your fax numbers and send faxes.
You can upload custom greetings by first navigating to your Phone System Settings and clicking on "Services," scrolling down and selecting "Recordings." From there you can select a recording file to upload and give it a memorable name. To assign said recording, you can click on "Services," scroll down and select IVR, then select your recording in your IVR.
The call quality of cloud communications systems depends on the speed and reliability of your internet. You will hear a vast improvement in call quality compared to traditional landlines. Landlines don’t have as much audio bandwidth, which can result in muffled or fuzzy calls. The number of HD Voice calls you can handle will depend on how fast your internet download and upload speed is.
No, we do not provide internet service as a part of our plans. If you currently have an ISP (Internet Service Provider), you would have no problems with speed or reliability. A business will require at least 100kbps per phone line (or 0.1 Mbps).
No, there are no practical limitations on our business voice service. You can make as many calls, users, and phone numbers as needed. However, to prevent misuse and abuse, only one phone call can be placed per line per second. (This helps avoid those infamous robocalls.) Additionally, it won’t cost you a fortune to upgrade your current plan. The major strength of our virtual phone system is that it’s easy to upgrade as your business grows.
In most cases, you will not be able to connect calls if there’s a power outage. Our VoIP phone system works over the internet. During a power outage, your router will not be able to function, which means there will be no internet access. The only exception to this is if you have a backup power source that could power the router (and therefore maintain your internet connection). If you use Power over Ethernet (PoE), that may need backup power as well. In the event of a power outage, you can instruct your VoIP provider to forward calls to a cell phone or direct them to a voicemail box. This solution avoids busy signals and rejected calls for customers.
Yes, scalability is one of the advantages of using a VoIP phone system. Because a VoIP phone system is hosted in the cloud, upgrading is easy. There’s no need for pricey infrastructure upgrades. In essence, you can scale your company’s phone system to an almost unlimited number of users or locations.
No, you do not need an existing phone number to use VoIP. We have thousands of local numbers that you can choose for your business. You can select any VoIP phone number you want, including ones in a different area code.
No, because your business phone system is hosted in the cloud, FluidVoIP performs all the maintenance for you. Plug your phones in and enjoy reliable, ultra-clear phone service! A virtual phone system is managed exclusively by the VoIP service provider. All you need to focus on is maintaining a fast and internet connection.